The Company
Specifically, GEST was set up by RATP Dev, currently owner of 51% of the share capital of GEST and usufructuary of the remaining 49%, and by ATAF S.p.A. which has the bare ownership of 49% of GEST share capital.
GEST has its headquarters in Scandicci in the province of Florence and is grounded on the principles of quality, sustainability, and transparency.
Transparent society
– Accident reconstruction devices installed on the tram
– D.lgs. 231/2001 – General part
To report violations of these rules or the ethics code or anything contrary to the provisions pursuant to D.lgs. 231/2001, request attachments, or receive clarifications or information, contact us via email at or via post addressed to: Organismo di Vigilanza GEST S.p.A. c/o GEST S.p.A., Via dell’Unità d’Italia, 10 – 50018 Scandicci (Florence) – Italy.